Tuesday, 16 May 2006

Here I go again

Headed out to London again – this time I started at Covent Garden – mostly as I wanted to visit the Bloch shop – which is supposed to be a “flag ship” store – it was sadly disappointing not really much range products as I was expecting. From there I wandered a bit – and found the Masonic House – a striking piece of architecture.

walked along to Leicester Square where I undertook my days mission of purchasing cheap tickets to a show tonight my first choice was Movin’ Out a dance show that I had being hearing about – but sadly as it was Tuesday that theatre was dark – so second choice was the Queen Music We Will Rock You!

My mission accomplished I resumed my wanderings and found myself in Berwick Street – which has all sorts of stalls from fruit & vegie to socks in addition to the stalls there are also regular shops including best of all 3 fabric shops!

Meandering a long Berwick St I found my self at Oxford St – The mecca of London shopping was shops shops and more shops and home to the iconic Selfridges – shopping in Selfridges is similar to Harrods – with the food halls really being the most amazing thing!

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