We also stopped by the fish markets where the fish is so fresh it’s swimming, and it was here that Lorin and I got some lunch from one of the many food stalls we passed – pialf – rice with chick peas it was delicious.

From the fish markets we walked over the bridge – well sort of underneath it actually – passed lots of bars and cafes and then across the top past all the fishermen. Once we reached the other side we wandered around the stalls that were on the outside of the Spice Market – there were stalls selling, spices, nuts, clothes house hold items – pretty much you name it you could buy it here and finally we succeeded in our mission to buy spoons to go with our teasets!!!! The stall holder had very little English and we had next to no Turkish so it was one of our more unsuccessful bargining sessions but at a mere 4 lira we didn’t feel much need to kibble.
Feeling rather foot weary we headed back to the hotel and farewelled Frostie who is leaving late on Monday.
Lorin and I headed upstairs to our rooms and got our bags packed – with a bit of squishing and rearranging we managed to fit everything. Just!
Once we had finished packing it was still early so we decided to take one last wander down by the harbour. It was very different to the first night – which was due to a number of things – Ramadan was over, it was Republic day and we were there much earlier than Phillipa and I had gone out on our first night.
There were far more people around, and not just men – there were women as well – and lots more stalls selling, shoes, bags, toys belts clothes etc – there were also more of the delicious smelling portable food stands – I looked at having a fish kebab – they smelt divine but the fish were put in whole and my fear of bones wouldn’t let me have one. I did however get a sweet donut like thing from another stall – it’s not actually anything like a donut – it was a larger round version of the light and crunchy syrup soaked dumplings we had enjoyed.
Photos @ kodak
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