Saturday 24 June 2006

an experience out shopping

headed into town to do a bit of shopping and as I was wandering along this lady asked me if I wanted a make over - as first I was going to say no - but then I thought what the hell it can't hurt it'll just be some make-up and it's always nice to try something new - and said yes.

well it was a bit more than just a make up stall - it clothes and make-up and it was all being done on radio - so next thing I know they are asking my style issues?!?! apart from the fact that I was on stage in some of my oldest clothes ... I said smart casual - so shortly I was redressed in a smart casual outfit followed by make up - apparently I have lovely skin :)

the outfit was very cute - and if it wouldn't have cast me nearly 2 weeks salary I would have gone and bought it.

Anyway once it was all over and was back into my own clothes they handed me a small black sports bag saying thank you and here is your gift bag. And a pretty fine gift bag too.

Inside the sports bag there, was a large towel, a lush bath ball and discount voucher, a small make up bag, several perfume samples and Lancome samples.

proves you never know what will come your way if you say yes things rather than no....

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