Thursday 6 July 2006

Floating through the fog

Driving home from class last Tuesday was an interesting experience – while we were inside dancing our toes off a fog had descended over the land.

A fascinating lightly glowing blue blanket of fog caressed the landscape. Peering into the fog obscuring the green fields I felt a great desire to step forward into this seemingly magical world and see if the fairy would take me on an adventure or would I just be left to wander aimlessly.

The reality was a rather surreal drive home with minimum visibility – which really should have been stressful but there was something rather soothing about it.

It was as if I was floating along in a bubble, with only the occasional power pole or building to mark my passing by. Sometimes if felt as if I was just suspended in time and would be forever travelling in my fog bubble – which now sounds very horror movie scary but it wasn’t.

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