Got an early mark on Friday and as I had practical shoes in my car decided to make the most of the delightful sunny weather and finally visit the local woods.
Templeton Woods were and weren't what I was expecting.
It wasn't as quiet as I thought it would be the woods is bordered by roads on 2 sides so there was a fair bit of abient road noise and just general surburan noise.
It WAS exactly as I had read about in dozens of english novels - although the only wild life I saw were these birds - they are bit hard to see in this picture
they were flitting and chattering around and I suspect that the one in the photo was trying to get the others organised.
I was hoping to see a red squirrel but hopefuly next time.
Saw this wrapped around a flower stem - not sure what it is - and think the bubbles look beautiful close up. In reality though it looked more like that bubbly spit that younger siblings make to drive older siblings nuts.
The rest of my photographic efforts from the woods can be found on here on Kodak for the pick of the bunch check out flickr
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