Friday 18 August 2006

The Engagement Party

Arriving back at E&P’s flat it was the usual chaos of 5/6 people getting ready to go out with only one bathroom. E decided to straighten my hair and took to it with Angela’s hair straighter my hair and took it from almost curly to straight in around 20 minutes something which it normally takes me an hour or more to do. I am SO getting myself one of them.

Finally everyone was appropriately gussyed up and we departed for The Lazy Vine, which thankfully was a mere 5 min walk from E&P’s. They had booked out the garden and were having a very casual BBQ – which made for a very relaxing evening with people coming and going and merriment until the witching hour. And so finally the in-laws met with and with Bellini's (a divine champagne and white peach cocktail) lubricating the proceedings all went smoothly

Photos @ Kodak


Anonymous said...

wow! just saw the first photo of you I've spotted since you left.

nothing's changed....

Emm has though! OMG I had this image of the over-active 'fight-you-at-any-time' tom-boy stuck in my head, and there she is all grown up and lady-like! Or at least it appears so in the photos...

P looks like a nice guy too.

Give them my best next time you see them.


Yliander said...

hey M@ LOL - yeah she has actually grown up - but looks can also be deceiving.

P is a lovely guy - although slightly perturbed by the Ainslie Clan

I will pass along your best wishes

Thanks for leaving a comment *HUG*